Question: #6636

MAT540 Quantitative Methods QUIZ 4

Question 1

0 out of 2 points

Employees of a local company are classified according to gender and job type. The following table summarizes the number of people in each job category. 
                                     Male (M) Female (F) 
Administrative (AD)       110             10
Salaried staff (SS)             30             50
Hourly staff (HS)              60             40
 If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employee is female or works as a member of the administration?


Selected Answer:

  .70 .69 .71 .70. 69 .71

Correct Answer:


Evaluation Method

Correct Answer

Case Sensitivity

 Exact Match


 Exact Match


 Exact Match


 Exact Match


 Exact Match


 Exact Match



· Question 2

2 out of 2 points

Wei is considering pursuing an MS in Information Systems degree. She has applied to two different universities. The acceptance rate for applicants with similar qualifications is 20% for University X and 45% for University Y. What is the probability that Wei will be accepted by at least one of the two universities? {Express your answer as a percent. Round (if necessary) to the nearest whole percent and omit the decimal. For instance, 20.1% would be written as 20} 


Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:


Evaluation Method

Correct Answer

Case Sensitivity

Solution: #6654

MAT540 Quiz 4

Question 1 0 out of 2 points Employees of a local company are classified according to gender and job type. The following table summarizes the number of people in each job category. Male (M) Female (F) Job Administrative (AD) 110 10 Salaried staff (SS) 30 50 Hourly staff (HS) 60 40 If an employee is selected at random, what is the probability that the employe...
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