Question: #5423

Homework set 1 Complete Solution

                            Homework set 1


The purpose of this project is to analyze the relationship between test scores, school characteristics, and student demographic backgrounds for the California school districts. The data are based on all the 420 K-6 and K-8 districts in California with data available for 1998 and 1999. All the data were obtained from the California Department of Education ( The variables of this project are defined as follows.


TESTSCR     = The average of the reading and math scores on the Stanford 9        standardized test administered to 5th grade students.

STR                = The student- teacher ratio

                        AVINC           = The district average income in thousands of dollars

                                                            ELPCT          = The percentage of students that are English Learners, that is for       whom English is a second language


The project is in five sections based on (i) introduction, (ii) model, (iii) descriptive statistics (iv) empirical results and (v) conclusion.


I.                   Introduction: Explain briefly the nature of your project. Explain the motivation and

       usefulness of this topic.


II.                Model: Present your model based on Table 1 (below) that contains the dependent and independent variables used. Add to the table the expected signs of the relationship between TESTSCR and the independent variables; provide briefly a rationale for the signs.

Table 1. Variables name, definition and expected signs


                        Name                                       Definition                                Expected sign


Dependent variable


TESTSCR                   The average of the reading and

Math scores on the Stanford 9

standardized test administered to

5th grade students

            Independent variables

STR                             The student- teacher ratio


                        AVINC                        The district average income in

thousands of dollars


ELPCT                                    The percentage of students that are

English Learners, that is for whom

English is a second language


Solution: #5419

Homework set 1 Complete Solution

Regression analysis is used to know that dependent variable is related to which independent variable. Linear regression is used to estimat...
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