Question: #4061

Committed Relationships

Make a list of the personal qualities you can bring to a committed relationship and a second list of the qualities you would want from a significant other in a committed relationship. Choose the top three things from each of the lists of qualities you have completed and submitted. Write a 1 page paper, 12 font, double spaced explaining why the qualities are important to you.( detailed descriptions) 

Solution: #4181

A list of the personal qualities you can bring to a committed relationship

Make a list of the personal qualities you can bring to a committed relationship and a second list of the qualities you would want from a significant other in a committed relationship. Choose the top three things from each of the lists of qualities you have completed and submitted. Write a 1 page paper, 12 font, double spaced explaining why the qualities are important to you.( detailed descriptions) In reflecting on the piece, I was conscious that the other side to that coin also needed to be explored. I therefore went back to contributors to the ‘5 Qualities I would like in a Boyfriend’, and this time asked what ‘5 Qualities do you bring to a relationship’. The intention behind this second question was to provide a more rounded picture to the earlier piece – the first question explored what was desired externally, with the new question exploring the internal perspective. In asking the second question, I was also curious to know whether there was a match in the themes of what was being asked for from a boyfriend and what was being offered to the boyfriend – aka to the relationsh...
Rating: A+ Purchased: 11 x Posted By: Programmar
Solution: #4192

A list of the personal qualities you can bring to a committed relationship

In a committed relationship, there are certain q...
Rating: A+ Purchased: 11 x Posted By: Acerhands
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