Question: #22460

COM340 Week 4 Process Mechanism Description

COM340 Week4 Process Mechanism Description Process/Mechanism Description. Select a simple process you routinely perform or a common household or office object as the topic for your process/mechanism description. Some examples of common processes are brushing your teeth, combing or brushing your hair, tying your shoes, eating breakfast, etc. Some common household or office objects for a mechanism description are flashlights, nail clippers, retractable ballpoint pens, scissors, staplers, or any other simple mechanisms. Before writing your process or mechanism description, complete an audience and use profile (p. 35 of the text, Technical Communication.) Write a one-page, single-spaced, objective description of the process or mechanism you have selected. Incorporate the elements of a usable description and a logical descriptive sequence, as shown in Chapter Nineteen of the text. Please note: You do not have to include a visual in your assignment; however, you may do so if you wish. If you include a visual, be sure it meets the requirements for an effective visual you studied in Chapter Twelve. Make sure your process/mechanism description includes a brief introduction, body, and conclusion.
Solution: #22497

COM340 Week 4 Process Mechanism Description

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