Question: #22170

ESE631 Week 2 Discussion 1 Compare and Contrast LD and CD

ESE631 Week2 DQ1 Compare and Contrast LD and CD Compare and Contrast: LD and CD. Consider the characteristics of a student with a learning disability (LD) and a student with a communication disorder (CD). Compare and contrast the following aspects of LD and CD: a. Definition of each disability b. Characteristics of each disability c. Evaluation of each disability area d. Research-based effective instructional strategies, supports, and services What are your experiences with working with a student or individual with a learning disability or communication disorder? Have you found the characteristics discussed in the readings to be accurate? What further suggestions might you have for teaching students with LD?
Solution: #22207

ESE631 Week 2 Discussion 1 Compare and Contrast LD and CD

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