Question: #21530

CGD 218 Week 2 Discussion 1 Typography in Business

CGD218 Week2 DQ1 Typography in Business Typography in Business. Oftentimes, we can’t avoid using words to communicate messages. And sometimes, we’re even limited with the visuals we can include. So, how can we make our messages as clear and aesthetically pleasing as possible? Incorporating typography can assist us in this… especially in the business setting. Take a look at the following documents and examine how strategic use of typography and white space has affected the second document. Example: Sample A: How to Make a Latte -- Before Typography Sample B: How to Make a Latte -- After Typography Now, select one of the documents below, and utilize typography and the information in the Practical Typography Tutorials ( website to improve the way it communicates its message. Option 1: Using Styles training document Option 2: Email to Danielle
Solution: #21567

CGD218 Week 2 Discussion 1 Typography in Business

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